Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2007
Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2007
Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2008
Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2008
Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2009
Important GO on Grievance Redressal System of FCS&CA-2009
Shedule of Greevience Redressal Mela in East Range, IR Bangalroe, FCS&CA
Shedule of Greevience Redressal Mela in East Range, IR Bangalroe, FCS&CA
Out comes of the Grievance Redressal Mela in KR Puram
Out comes of the Grievance Redressal Mela in KR Puram Impacts of this program have been listed below: Pramila,
PDS – Facilities , procedures of availing services-a awareness programe by the Food Inspector
PDS – Facilities , procedures of availing services-a awareness programe by the Food Inspector