Get Citizens Involved in Administration

Get Citizens Involved in Administration An Article in Deccan Chronicle Newspaper on restructuring of BBMP by Smt. Kathyayini Chamaraj in March 2015

Get Citizens Involved in Administration2024-08-20T13:27:27+00:00

Govt Fails Anganawadi Workers and Children

Govt Fails Anganawadi Workers and Children Smt. Katyayini's Editorial  Article in Deecan Heralad on  Anganawadi system in Karnataka Attachment  Kathyayini's

Govt Fails Anganawadi Workers and Children2024-08-20T13:28:06+00:00

Prajavani newspaper 18-12-2015, highlights the role of CIVIC Bangalore and other organisations in the High Court directions given to BBMP on Solid waste management

Prajavani newspaper 18-12-2015 highlights the role of CIVIC Bangalore and other organizations in the High Court directions given to BBMP on Solid

Prajavani newspaper 18-12-2015, highlights the role of CIVIC Bangalore and other organisations in the High Court directions given to BBMP on Solid waste management2024-08-20T13:28:06+00:00
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