The Community Participation Law in Urban India: Status and Issues
A Report- On Comparing Community Participation Laws across the States
Context: The Urban India is witnessing an unprecedented growth in urban population. Provisional calculations of the Census 2011 have recorded 33.73 per cent growth in urban population during the last decade (2001-11). The intensity of urbanization in India can be understood by observing the fact that the number of census towns in India in 2011, compared to 2001, has increased by 185.9 per cent. Population projections show that, by 2030, 40 per cent of Indian population will be urban1. It means that urban population in India will grow up by more than 56 per cent in the next twenty years. This urban reality tends to create serious governance problems. The Hhigher rate of urbanization is putting immense pressure on the mechanism of public governance in urban areas to provide effective public services and infrastructure development. These problems are not only connected with the administrative mechanism but also stress upon the need to revisit the system of political representation and local self-governance.
Year: June, 2012
Author: Mr Shyam Singh PhD Fellow, Political Science ISEC
file attach:Community participation laws – analysis by Shyam Singh .pdf